Monday, December 29, 2014

The Armies Arrive

Just now getting a chance to post an update for my 28mm War in the Pacific project.  I received most of the figures and vehicles a couple of weeks ago, all the major manufactures are represented.  These include The Assault Group, Brigade Games, Company B miniatures, Warlord Games Bolt Action, Westwind Berlin or Bust as well as some very nice terrain pieces from Architects of War and a couple boxes of Pegasus Models Palm Trees. 

I also picked up a copy of Battlefield Evolution Pacific War off Amazon for $8, shipping included.  These look like most of the Mongoose Publishing rule sets, such as World at War and Modern Combat.  Simple but elegant game mechanics, easy to teach to new players but provides a challenging game.

In addition to the figures, vehicles, terrain and rules, I purchased Operation Galvanic and Operation Stalemate II from Britton Publishing.  These are skirmish scale scenario books for Tarawa and Peleliu respectively.  Each contains 10 scenarios which read like they will be fun to play.  The scenarios in the Tarawa book are larger, being Company level, meaning multiple Platoons up to 3 per side.  The scenarios in the Peleliu book are Platoon Level, with no more than a Platoon Plus to each side. 

I have tried to tailor my purchasing and building efforts to the scenarios in these books.  To that end I pretty much have enough stuff to play several in each in 28mm.  The biggest buy so far were the tanks; of which I have a couple M4A2 Sherman and a single Company B Stuart Light tank.  Most of the scenarios don't require vehicles or tanks, if they do its a single Sherman.  Although I should mention a couple scenarios do require substantial numbers, the Peleliu book has one that requires 6 Sherman tanks, one that requires 6 Japanese Type 95 HaGo tanks and a single scenario that requires 4 Marine LVTs; the rest are Japanese Infantry defending against US Marines with an occasional single M4 Sherman in support.  The Tarawa book has for the most part, minimal vehicle requirements as well; but there are a couple that are substantial.  One of the first in the book has 6 Marine LVTs assaulting Red Beach 1, and one of the later ones has 3 Stuarts and a pair of 75mm Gun Armed M3 Halftracks attacking a large Japanese Bunker. 

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