Friday, April 13, 2012

Closer Look at the Iraqi Force

Here is what I ended up with for the Iraqi force:
From Britannia
3x T-62 Tanks
2x T-55 Tanks
2x BMP-1
1x ZIL-157 Heavy Truck

From S&S
1x UAZ-69 Jeep
1x Shilka ZSU-23/4 SP AAA
1x 23/2 AAA

1x K63 APC

1/72 Scale Plastics
1x ICM BTR-152 APC
3x Trumpeter 1/72 Scale T-55

Plus a mountain of Elhiem 20mm Modern Iraqi Infantry, including RPG teams, HMGs, Mortars and a Recoiless Rifle.

1 comment:

  1. Its been quite a bit of time since I have posted, busy with school and what passes as work for me these days.

    After reworking the scenarios I realized that there was shortages in some areas and excess in others. This prompted a update of the Iraqi force, trimmed them down in some and enlarged in others. Here is the total as of today:

    2x Britannia T62
    3x Britannia T55
    1x Trumpeter T54
    4x Britannia BMP-1
    1x S&S Models Shikla 23/4
    1x S&S Models ZSU-23-2

    I think this force is more inline with the scenario designers intent and makes tracking vehicles easier as there are fewer types in each scenario.
