As previously stated, these scenarios are really nice. They appear to be balanced, at least from just reading them and seem like that will make nice skirmish games. Attainable victory conditions for both sides that are relastic or relative to the historical outcome of the actual engagement/battle. At a basic level, the scenarios force both sides to do better than their historical counterpart. For example, in the first scenario a British Armored Infantry force in Warrior IFVs with 2 squads of Infantry, plus a LMG Team and a FV432 with a section of man-portable Milans conduct a movement to contact. This force is supported by a CVR(T) Striker ATGM vehicle and a Lynx Helo w/TOWs. The Desert Rats meet a slightly larger force of Iraqi Infantry in BMP-1s with LMGs, RPGs, and a SA7 Team supported by a couple of T55 tanks and a ZSU-23/4 Shilka SP AAG. The battle takes place in daylight but its cloudy with a chance of rain, so visibility can be limited and can change. If it rains ranges and movement are reduced and the arrival of air support only occurs when and if the rain stops. The weather conditions are determined randomly by the Iraqi player with a die roll each turn. The British objective is to destroy or force off the board, most of the Iraqi Armor/IFVs. While the Iraqi objective is to avoid the Brits conditions or destroy 2 or more of their units (squads or vehicles). If both achieve their victory conditions, its a draw. Looks like a really fun scenario but appearances can be deceiving. More on the other two scenarios later.
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